Senin, Agustus 2


hey mainland, nice to meet you again.

shakespeare said "what is in a name" in his novel, Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare made that statement to explain the condition of the war between their families. so, name was meaningless, even their names was so beautiful.

so, what is in a life? apa sih arti hidup ini?
I always think why do we live and die in the end? gw selalu nyari kenapa kita hidup dan mati kemudian?

it's so strange when i saw my friends died. we're to young to face the death. kawin aja belom? iya gak? hahaha

but, now i have the answers. jawabannya gan! 
~Life is a book, filled by our journey to meet another people door to door.  those books always says about our parents, friends, and filled by more than a million questions in our mind. every minutes in our life is a page of our book. and a day is a chapter of our book.

kenapa kita harus menghargai hidup? WHY WE SHOULD RESPECT IT?
~because when we're born, we're exist. And god made us for a purpose. He made us to knows each other, share with them, care with them, and to feel in love with one of them.

Tapi kenapa harus ada saudara kita yang berkekurangan dan memiliki handicap?
~Itulah kawan. Tuhan gak pernah pukul rata ke kita, manusia. kita lahir dan menjalani hidup dengan situasi yang berbeda. so, i think, when we come into the lowest condition of our situations, that can make us stronger than before, and knows how suffered to live down there. jadi ketika kita hidup dalam kesusahan, itu artinya kita harus bisa bangkit, dan ketika bangkit kita tau susahnya hidup susah. Itu membangun kebijaksanaan kita dan pengendalian diri dalam menjalani hidup.
Tapi kenapa selalu ada kematian di balik kehidupan?
~ the future is death. itu udah pasti gan. tapi sebelum kita mati, kita harus kasih sesuatu yang berharga buat orang lain yang kenal kita dan yang selalu tau kalo kita itu ada.
life is a journey
life is learning
life is caring
life is about death



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